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Welcome Message of the Chairman of Board of Directors

In the Name of Allah the Merciful 

Humans are the basic sources and targets of societies’ development; therefore, we pay high attention to develop, enhance, enrich the education quality standards, and adapt them to cope with the ever-changing world for the welfare of the Palestinians. 

We aim to build up well educated and qualified generations and reinforce the sustainability standards to build up a flourishing future. 
UP is committed to being one of the finest universities in Palestine as it endorses the scholarly values of intellectual freedom and distinctive initiatives to meet the national and global challenges. UP also aims to attract the brightest students and offer them an outstanding educational experience.

We encourage the engagement of academics, researchers and students in a diverse environment to serve public ambitions. UP addresses pressing societal problems through research. In addition, UP produces graduates prepared for leadership, and promotes inquiry and open debate based on evidence and reason.

UP believes deeply in encouraging freedom of thought and expression and seeks to foster tolerance and respect for diversity and dialogue. Graduates will be individuals committed to creative and critical thinking, life-long learning, personal integrity, civic responsibility and leadership.

We are always proud of our achievements and prosperities. We strive for more progress and improvements, where our vision directed to a future based on three pillars: distinction, sustainability, and quality. 


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