Strategic Planning Unit

The Strategic Planning Unit endeavors to boost the advancement of the university in accordance with the quality standards. 

The Strategic Planning aims at bridging the gap between where we are today and what we hope to achieve in future.  Therefore, this unit carries out the necessary procedures for the ongoing development of all colleges and university departments. Furthermore, the planning unit is concerned with pursuing and build good relations with the surrounding community and the outside community to provide the best input and get the best output. 

Structural Design of the Planning Unit:

The Unit of Planning is directly related with the university president office and is headed by the vice president of strategic planning.  There are three sections that take over all the required functions: the planning section, the projects’ section, and the external relations. 

1. The Planning Section: 
Preparing and implementing of operational plans for colleges and departments and following up implementations and making adjustments if necessary.

  • Preparing and reviewing of the strategic plan of the university.
  • Monitoring the implementation of the strategic plan.
  • Providing support and advice to departments and other units regarding planning issues.
  • Monitoring the implementation of the plans and correcting deviations, if any.
  • Developing training programs in the field of planning.
  • Carrying out self-assessment of the University on regular bases.

2. The Projects’ Section: 

  • Ensuring the sustainability of development projects.
  • Following-up projects’ outputs based on community needs, goals of the university, and financial sponsors’ offers. 


  • Contributing to enhancing proposals for projects of development to include estimated budgets and various areas of project management.
  • Oversighting projects to reach the objectives and guarantee the sustainability of their effects.
  • Ensuring the delivery of results and outputs of the project successfully.
  • Building a normative framework for the management of professional development projects in various fields.
  • Managing and monitoring the sustainability of projects ‘outputs. 


The External Relations Section: 

  • This section looks forward to creating a network of relations with foreign institutions. 


  • Documenting and developing UP relations at the Arab, Islamic and International level.
  • Coordinating and cooperating with various parties in the university in order to make the most of the international relations of the University with the institutions and cultural centers. 
  • Submitting proposals to the rector concerning the priorities of relations with institutions and cultural centers.
  • Checking coordination and integration with the educational and research programs of the University.
  • Planning to build bridges of internal and external cooperation.  
  • Opening international and regional channels to take advantage of similar experiences and providing third parties with the university experiences. 
  • Preparing for the negotiations conducted by the university with various institutions, scientific research and cultural centers. 
  • Establishing rules and regulations needed for negotiating and contacting international institutions and regional organizations.
  • Drafting protocols and agreements of cultural and educational exchanges between the university and other institutions and centers of global scientific research.
  • Working on enhancing opportunities for participation by members of the university.
  • Seeking to provide funding for some projects and cultural events by the Arab and international bodies and organizations.
  • Participating in meetings of the university president or his deputies with the representatives of institutions of science and research and cultural centers.
  • Pursuing protocols and agreements concluded between the University and institutions of science and research and cultural centers. 
  • Preparing periodic reports on the implementation of protocols and agreements concluded with the institutions of science and research and cultural centers and submitting them to the President of the university. 
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