Students Affairs Deanship

The students’ affairs deanship seeks to help the university students by organizing different extracurricular activities. Such activities include sports, art, and cultural interaction which develop students’ abilities and talents. In this context, the deanship plays an important role in refining students’ personalities to be more productive, loyal, and moral.

The Deanship Sections:

Loans and Grants

University of Palestine offers many grants and loans that help students during the course of their university studies. This section is responsible for the distribution and following up of the grants and loans to needy students. The grants and loans include the following:

  • The loans of the Ministry of Higher Education
  • The loans of Bank of Palestine
  • Grants of civil institutions.

Students Activities

This section aims at stimulating students to actively participate in different extracurricular activities.

Psychological and Social Support

This section serves students in different domains to overcome their social and psychological problems 

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