Continuing Education Deanship


The continuing education deanship takes part in developing human resources and nurturing a prospective future in the Palestinian community.
This deanship participates in developing various professional, technical, and administrative skills through using modern technology.
  • Supporting team and group work
  • Improving and training  the employees’ skills 
  • Preparing trainees across different majors.
  • Contributing to comprehensive and sustainable development.
  • Serving a wide sector of targeted groups in the society
  • Improving the skills of the employees in different public and private institutions.
  • Developing cooperation and partnership between the university and other institutions.
  • Adopting the university mission in order to improve cultural, social, and scientific arena.
  • Conducting several programs and courses to build up scientific, cultural and social skills.
  • Organizing training courses in Technology, computer, insurance, accounting, management development, languages, and maintenance of devices.


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