Scientific Research


University of Palestine Journal

Researchers can access this journal and look at varied researches and studies in different fields. 

Researchers Guide

Publish Conditions:


1.    UP Journal publishes research and scientific studies that meet the scientific research conditions.
2.    Researches should be offered in either Arabic or English.
3.    The research should be original and authentic.
4.    Providing abstract of the study in Arabic and English.
5.    Sticking to a certain format and layout by writing on A4 paper and of 2.5 cm. 
6.    The total number of pages should not exceed 40 pages including tables and references.
7.    Researchers should introduce three hard copies and a CD of their researches.
8.    Researchers should write their personal data on the cover page only.
9.    Research documentation style must be as follows:
  • Books: Author, book title, number of parts, publishing house, place of publication, year of publication, part, edition, page.
  • Journals or periodicals: author's name, title of the article or search between "    ", name of the journal or periodical in bold, year, volume number, page.
  • Articles: author's name between (     ), the article title, the book's title, publisher, place of publication, year of publication, part, edition, page.


10.    If the publishing conditions are met, the research should be summated to a jury for reviewing, modifying, and validating it. 
11.    Researches sent to the journal will not be returned to their owners, whether published or not.
12.    Offering the researcher three copies of the journal after publishing his research. 
13.     The journal has the liability to omit or delete some parts or content of the research as long as it has nothing to do with the core.
14.    Editorial board has the right to not publishing any research without mentioning reasons.
15.    The researchers should be committed to the publishing rights of the journal.
16.    The researcher should pay the cost of arbitration which is 200 US$ for externals and 50% discount for internals.
17.    All researches and correspondences should be sent to the following address: Palestine Journal for Researches and Studies: Al-Zahraa’- Palestine, Tel: 972 8 2632001,2,3, Fax: 972 8 2632006, Cell phone: 0599861486
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