Information Technology Department


This department prepares for providing the staff and students with the latest and updated information technology. 

The IT department seeks to improve electronic services provided for all the university academics, administrators and students to ensure high accuracy and professional performance.
  • Providing updated technology to help upgrading the university standards.
  • Improving the quality of the electronic hardware and software standards to be compatible with local and international quality standards.
  • Providing the university academics, administrators and students with electronic services.
  • Continuous follow-up of security and confidentiality of the information system available in various databases at the university.
  • Introducing counseling and recommendations regarding programs and devices.
  • Developing and following up the university website.
  • Linking the devices with the internal network and updating the programs to meet the needs of beneficiaries at the university.
  • Unifying all the applied systems in the university through establishing integrated and documented central database.
  • Providing all the employees and students with internet and e-mail. 


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