Welcome Message from the President

In the Name of Allah the Merciful

The future of any nation depends on the ability of its higher education institutions to produce the future leaders. In this phase, the UP aims at being an outstanding institution through its academic plans and programs. The philosophy of UP is based on reinforcing the students’ confidence, responsibility, and creativity. UP is concerned with connecting theory to practice and bridging the gap between the academic outcomes and the job market requirements.

This policy helps our graduates achieve success in the practical field and in postgraduate studies.  

UP succeeded at local, regional, and international levels in regard to achieving the following gains:

  • UP becomes an active member in the Association of Arab Universities, Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World, League of Islamic Universities and the International Union of Universities.
  • UP has a strong relation with The Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission.
  • UP obtained the accreditation for seven colleges in different bachelor majors in addition to the diploma programs.
  • UP programs have been upgraded to match with the latest international scientific and academic standards.
  • UP was chosen as the second institution among other universities in Gaza Strip in 2015 according to the international quality standards.

For development purposes, UP obtained accreditations for new programs that meet our students’ and community needs. These programs include health management, health nutrition, and biomedical engineering. UP is dedicated to provide rich educational environment supported by modern electronic technical devices in order to promote students’ critical and intellectual abilities.

“Dear students, let’s be proud of being loyal to our university, and let’s look forward to ongoing development for the sake of our people and nation; I wish you great success”

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