Information Technology



Technology is the most important of all global variables where it has become an essential paradigm in any modern community. In this context, a scientific planning should be consistent with the overall planning of the accelerated changes in modern life. Moreover, there is a need to take care of media outputs since the media has a great influential power on human behavior and plays an important role in different institutions. Therefore, the integration of management, technology and media in one vocational program has become a vital demand. As a result, this program has emerged to offer specialties needed by the local and international labor market; it is designed primarily to provide students with technical and managerial skills needed for administrative jobs. This program also trains students on the use of technology in all work-related activities and on various managerial to contribute to the development of Palestinian, Arab and international institutions. 
To cope with the rapid development of technology, there is an urgent need for modern tools to transfer knowledge by using different media of sound, image, text and movement ... etc.  However, the expected outcomes need specialized software for the design and deployment of multimedia and qualified professionals to work in the field of multimedia as well.  
The multimedia program strives to strengthen graduates’ capabilities in management    science and the use of technology and media to enhance the overall quality of theory and practice in various institutions.
  • Providing professional services at a high standard within the scientific and professional controls, in order to contribute to the development of society and the achievement of its requirements.
  • Supplying the local market with qualified specialists of multimedia technology. 
General objectives: 
  • Developing the administrative careers to suit the needs of the labor market of the Palestinian society.
  • Providing students with the basics of cognitive administrative, technological and media needed to develop their personalities in multiple stages of education. 
  • Building up students’ skills and helping them to thrive and adapt in the light of rapid development.
  • Developing and stimulating creative capabilities in the areas of multimedia technology.
  • Strengthening the relationship with the local community, the Arab and international organizations to provide technical expertise, administrative and economic consulting.
  • Combining theory and practice to reinforce students’ aptitudes in order to meet the needs of the labor market. 
Specific objectives:
  • Introducing students to the basics of the use of multimedia and transfer of knowledge of various kinds.
  • Familiarizing students with the analysis requirements and multimedia project skills.
  • Giving students the basic skills in photography and output.
  • Preparing students to use specialized programs in graphic design.
  • Training students to use the tools and programs specialized in audio processing and video.


Websites Programming and Design 

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