The Faculty of Business and Management

The faculty of Business and Management is characterized by its practical and researching aspects. This faculty embraces the philosophy of serving the community through different scientific and academic research areas. This faculty seeks to provide local and regional markets with appropriate expertise and special graduates to perform their duties in building their own homes and to beat on poverty and unemployment. Hence, this college has been established to be a role model regarding educational outcomes, distinguished programs, and qualified members. This faculty also encourages enticing and employing graduates of American and European universities who are unique on professional and administrative levels. This faculty looks forward to keeping pace with the changing needs of the market and education in accordance with the global standards. The methodology of the faculty is committed to the basis of the accreditation standards set by the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission, as well as taking into account the international standards of finance and business management disciplines.

Different academic programs have been put forward in line with the labor market requirements that focus on the latest development in this dynamic field. The faculty of Business and Management is taking into account setting a time plan to be implemented to carry out the courses outlines, developing practical and analytical expertise of graduates, and standardizing administrative approach in Palestine.

The Faculty of Business and Management gives the priority to strategic projects in Palestine such as the port, airport, power plant, and all the infrastructure and the service projects. The faculty works to provide these projects with highly specialized and trained administrative graduates. The faculty also takes into account the mechanisms of education development and global economic transformation; therefore, it is aware of the paramount need to amend the national academic performance.

 The Faculty of Management and Business set up a Consulting Center. This center is responsible for training students, serving community, providing administrative and economic consultations, and issuing specialized and analytical studies to indicate evaluation and development of the national economic performance.


The Faculty of Business and Management plays a prominent role in conducting academic research concerning different areas such as administration, finance, and economic. These research studies take into consideration local and international standards of quality. 


The faculty seeks to achieve excellence in teaching, research, and community service. For this purpose, the faculty provides standardized academic environment and venerable generations to meet labor market requirements.


  • Implementing a safe, healthy and stable academic environment that promotes learning, creativity and excellence.
  • Providing the community with excellent graduates to compete in functional positions and postgraduate studies.
  • Strengthening the sense of belonging and pride among the members of its faculty, staff and students.
  • Achieving excellence in research and utilizing the outcome for the community development.
  • Building close relations with the local community, economic institutions, and bodies of Arab and regional academic research.
  • Feeding students with theoretical and applied knowledge to expand their intellectual horizon and national affiliation.

The Faculty Departments:

Department of Accounting:

Accounting department focuses on the quality of accounting education that leads to the acquisition of high accounting skills according to the requirements of the latest international standards. These standards govern and regulate the accounting processes in vital and private sectors, various activities, and profit and non-profit organizations.

This department organizes a variety of mandatory and elective courses designed to teach students the principles of accounting, build the accounting system, and carry out integrated accounting operations. These courses should complete the accounting cycle in various public and private economic sectors with their relevant activities and legal forms.

These courses include principles of accounting, corporation accounting, cost accounting, administrative accounting, financial accounting, audit and tax audit accounting, and international accounting. The courses in management, economics and finance increase and enrich cognitive and practical skills.

Department of Business Administration:

This department displays a large number of modern disciplines such as public administration, human resources management, marketing, finance, investment and funding management, information and international management and the management of production processes, etc., These modern courses give graduates various opportunities to join the job market  in the light of the current global trends. The Department of Business and Management is featured of using English in teaching and having a spectrum of courses that provide students with a remarkable knowledge and skills.

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