Faculty of Education


Education is one of the basic programs at UP for its importance in preparing capable professionals for tackling cognitive, educational, and technological domains. The decision makers in UP offers a great importance for establishing the Faculty of Education to comply with the evolution of different curriculum and the needs of schools.
The weakness of schools and students’ levels in recent years refers to the shortcomings of the capacities of teachers and the mismatch between the modern curriculum and teaching strategies. As a result, there is a need to focus on improving the human energy.
The Faculty of Education seeks to provide students with scientific and practical skills. Equally important, this faculty aims at raising the ability of teachers to understand and absorb the development in knowledge and technology to match with the modern Palestinian curricula. The Faculty of Education also encourages teachers employ different technological means and devices to enhance the quality and success of the educational process.
The study plans and the faculty specifications have been prepared by a group of specialists in the fields of education from both inside and outside the university. These plans have been set up after being compared with their counterparts in local and Arab universities and after being approved by the Quality Assurance Unit, the Academic Council, and the University Council.
The university administration has been pleased to provide all the technical and physical requirements of the program and worked to employ a group of distinguished faculty members to build the college.
The letter public, private and objectives of the program:
The program Mission:
This program attempts to contribute to the preparation of efficiently specialized teachers to be able to build good generations. 
General goals:
  • Preparing teachers for the elementary stage to get the following aspects and skills: 
  • General culture and educational skills 
  • Linking theory and practice.
  • Positive values, attitudes and commitment 
  • Dealing with individual differences and different backgrounds. 
  • Serving the local community 
  • Preparing students to participate in building an independent and democratic Palestinian society that is consistent with the Arab, Islamic and human culture.
  • Participating in increasing the efficiency of the movement of cultural and intellectual awareness of the community through various scientific activities such as seminars, lectures and conferences.
  • Contributing to accelerate the educational development process through scientific and academic research. 
Specific Goals: 
The Faculty of Education pursues preparing teachers who have the aptitudes of: 
  • Implementing the Palestinian curriculum and building positive attitudes towards the teaching profession.
  • Dealing with difficult situations psychologically, socially, and educationally to manage and organize classes and solve problems.
  • Linking between theory and practice in the classroom.
  • Employing teaching methods to suit varied situations and educational settings.
  • Developing self-skills constantly and learning from his/her experience through self-assessment and working with other teachers.
  • Improving the tools and means to assess a variety of requested learning at different stages.
  • Using a critical vision of the curriculum, knowledge and educational policies.
  • Stimulating students ‘creative thinking and problem solving skills.
  • Exploiting the available local conditions and environment in the pedagogy of the primary education. 
  • Conducting case studies, observation, reflection and report writing. 
  • Analyzing and understanding the teaching and learning process. 
  • Providing students with scientific knowledge and training on the use of electronic technologies. 
Faculty Tasks: 
  • Qualifying teaching and learning methods in line with the requirements of the scientific revolution.
  • Preparing complementary courses to emphasize the interdependence and integration among them.
  • Providing scientific content compatible with local and international quality requirements.
  • Supplying the necessary infrastructure for (laboratories, computers, communication, information systems, etc. ...).
  • Developing and strengthening students’ talents and skills to stimulate their thinking and searching abilities.  
  • Considering students the center of the educational process.
  • Promoting teaching methods by constant development and evolution. 
  • Exploiting supplementary material and other references not only the main textbooks as the primary sources.
  • Following-up of students’ performance, development and progress through academic assessment.
  • Adopting the use of innovation, communication and modern technological methods.
  • Increasing the study plan to cover 225 hours of training.


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